In demanding and security-critical environments, reliable communication is of the utmost importance. Our specialised satellite internet services offer military units the certainty of always being securely and confidentially connected, even in remote areas. Find out how our highly secure and resilient solutions help to make our defence partners' missions successful.

Why Satellite Communication?

Security and emergency services usually have limited or no access to data, as the local infrastructure may be damaged or overloaded. The areas of operation are regularly outside the range of terrestrial networks.
Mobile VSAT solutions provide instant and reliable connections at the desired speed, enabling access to databases and the transmission of live video information to command and control centres.

areas of application in defense sector

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Cover distances safely

Secure point-to-point (P2P) connections across countries and continents. During exercises and missions abroad, points several thousand kilometres apart can be connected directly and without touching other network nodes.

Welfare communication

During missions abroad, emergency personnel are separated from family and friends for weeks and months at a time. Reliable and cost-effective internet access, voice and video telephony can bridge distances and provide access to up-to-date information. Satellite communication makes an indispensable contribution here.

Flightready user terminals

Deployable, quick-to-deploy communication - modern user terminals are lightweight, can be shipped by air and are easy to set up and use. Access to data and the Internet is available worldwide within minutes. We offer decades of experience in the selection and operation of satcom links via fly away and auto deploy terminals.

Communication on the move

Modern, electronically controlled antennas, especially in combination with low-flying (LEO) satellite constellations, offer new possibilities for data and internet connectivity on the move. Uninterrupted data connection for vehicles, vessels and aeroplanes.



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Selected customers
  • The German Embassy

    We support the stable and permanent connection and accessibility of international locations.
  • Julius Berger International

    With our solution, several locations are connected with each other in a highly available and fully meshed ‘any to any’ manner.
  • Ad-hoc-Connectifity for Volkswagen

    Our solution connects remote test locations with the development centres and reliably transmits measurement and test data.
  • Provision of the space segment for the CTBTO

    CTBTO monitors compliance with the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty on behalf of the United Nations and operates a global sensor network. We make an important contribution to ensuring that the measurement data is transmitted reliably.
  • GFZ Helmholtz Zentrum Potsdam

    Our services are used to connect sensors at remote locations around the world to transmit data for monitoring seismic activity.


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